Sunday 5 April 2020

The countdown commences

I have a viewing counter (just to the right as you read this), and as I write it's tipped over the 999,000 mark. One thousand viewings to go, and then one million people will have glanced at my blog since it began in February 2009. (My Blogger Profile says 'May 2011', but that's wrong)

Given the eleven-year time scale, it's not so very impressive, although in the blog's best years, from 2011 to 2016, viewings came thick and fast. It peaked in popularity half a dozen years ago, just before I made the subject-matter much more general than it originally was, although there was always a strong autobiographical and travel element. Now it encompasses almost everything in my life. That would be fine if I led an extraordinary life, but sadly I don't.

Recently, however, the viewings have picked up. But this must be directly linked to the larger number of posts written. Stuck at home because of the coronavirus pandemic, I have plenty of time for blogging! I just hope that the increased output hasn't meant decreased quality. It's all too easy to sound off about nothing much, and churn out poorly-written nonsense. 

And what do viewing numbers matter, in any case? Not much. Oh yes, it'll definitely be an achievement, to garner a million viewings. In fact I'll be thrilled. Not many blogs last long enough to do that. I will watch the total creep up, and take a celebratory screenshot, and then...well, just carry on as usual!

After all, one million viewings wouldn't mean that a million people had read each post from beginning to end, and then thirsted for the next. No doubt most 'viewings' were brief and disappointing for the persons concerned - they didn't find what they hoped for, and they didn't return for more. I suspect that, all along, I've been supported (and encouraged) by a just small number of faithful readers who don't mind what I write about.

Certainly the advertisers have gone away, the people who watch blogs that are doing well, and contact you to offer ways of making cash out of blogging - by carrying their selection of ads. Some bloggers let that happen, and presumably get a small but steady reward, though at the price of compromising the look and feel of their blogs. I decided to keep total control, and not sell out.

So, on to the last thousand viewings!

Who will be the one who bumps up the viewing total to exactly one million? Will there be a hot contest between rival readers?

Should I offer a prize?

I'd rather like the lucky (?) reader to identify themselves with a comment, however brief.

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This blog is public, and I expect comments from many sources and points of view. They will be welcome if sincere, well-expressed and add something worthwhile to the post. If not, they face removal.

Ideally I want to hear from bloggers, who, like myself, are knowable as real people and can be contacted. Anyone whose identity is questionable or impossible to verify may have their comments removed. Commercially-inspired comments will certainly be deleted - I do not allow free advertising.

Whoever you are, if you wish to make a private comment, rather than a public one, then do consider emailing me - see my Blogger Profile for the address.

Lucy Melford