Friday 3 April 2020

And Après-pilates!

In the last post I described how we local ladies have been able to resume pilates, using Zoom. This post is about meeting up using Google Hangouts, and enjoying a kind of Après-pilates. The get-together and conversation, if not the lunch.

Jo organised this, suggesting a five-way chat under the banner of the Friday Gang. Great idea. I  decided to look smart, and set up my laptop carefully. I tried some expressions, to see how they'd look to the others.

By this time, I had three Hangouts conversations under my belt, and felt confident about this one.

But it was still the blind leading the blind! We were supposed to begin at 11.45am. Nothing happened. Then Sue messaged me on Hangouts, and we embarked on a one-to-one discussion, wondering what had happened to the others. We ended that, texted Jo, and by degrees all five of us then appeared on screen. Mostly we were using our phones, but Sue and I were on laptops. I switched to my phone during the meet-up.

I took some screenshots, which I think reflect the half-chaotic way we got going. But it was fun and a good laugh.

Jackie was on gin-and-tonic, Jo on some kind of bubbly. I think Valerie on white wine. Sue and I were both on coffee.

The 4G reception in Valerie's house must have been poor - she dropped out more than once. Doing this using broadband would have been better.

No pizza, of course. But Sue's husband brought her a sandwich, which made the rest of us feel peckish.

On the whole, it was a pretty good way of meeting up, at least for want of anything better in the present circumstances. We quipped and opined and reassured each other that all was still well, and did so for well over half an hour. 

Same time, same place, same people next week for sure!   

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Lucy Melford