Sunday 14 February 2021

Mending a glove

I seem to be mending things every week nowadays. 

Last week it was my red ankle-length fleece dressing gown, an outstandingly warm and comfy garment in which I can feel really snug. But a seam had come apart beneath a sleeve, creating a hole that was rapidly getting larger. Well, I set to with needle and thread, and in no time the hole was closed up and the dressing gown good for a few more years' wear.  

This week, a hole appeared near the fingertip of one of my black leather gloves. 

As you can see, these gloves have done some duty over the years. But they are still presentable, still nice to wear. Well worth a careful mending job. 

However, gloves are tricky to do properly.  In this case, the ideal thing to do was to pull the finger with the hole in it inside out, and tackle the sewing repair from the inside. But then I saw that each finger had a very nice seamless lining still in fine condition - the gloves were from a good maker. It would clearly be unwise to cut into this lining in order to reach the leather and sew the hole up. So I put the finger back as it first was, and repaired it from the outside. Fortunately, the hole was on the underside of the fingertip, and my sewing wouldn't be visible in the ordinary way. 

Just as well. I made a half-decent job of it, and the glove will be fine for ongoing use, but my sewing efforts wouldn't pass muster in an expert sewing circle. Nor for that matter, if the Queen invited one to Buckingham Palace to confer an honour. 

Prudence rings - it's a voice call. Who can it be?

Lucy: Hello?
The Queen: Is that Miss Lucy Melford?
Lucy: It is.
The Queen: Good morning, Miss Melford. I am phoning personally to invite you to the Palace, so that I can make you Dame Lucy Melford. 
Lucy: Oh, thank you, Your Majesty! What a lovely surprise!
The Queen: It's for your services to photography. And blogging.
Lucy: Are you sure I deserve this?
The Queen: Quite sure. Your formal invitation will be sent this afternoon.
Lucy: And what will the dress code be, Your Majesty?
The Queen: Formal. With gloves. I'm very particular about ladies' gloves. 
Lucy: I see. In that case, Your Majesty, I will be wearing an impeccable pair of gloves.
The Queen: I expected nothing else. I look forward to meeting you, Miss Melford.
Lucy: Likewise. Well, pip-pip!
The Queen: Toodle-oo!

Hmm! My newly-fixed black leather gloves definitely wouldn't do for an occasion like that!

But I do possess a pair of expensive black silken gloves that go all the way to my elbows. Would they make me look like a Dame-in-waiting? Or an overdressed slapper on the prowl? I wouldn't want to raise an eyebrow. Let the reader judge. I last wore these long black gloves for a do in January 2012, nine years ago:

Personally, I don't think this is a look that The Queen would entirely approve of. Perhaps a spiked choker would help?

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Lucy Melford