Saturday 16 April 2022

The knee is definitely improving

The getting-up-from-the-pilates-mat event that sparked off the osteoarthritis in my right knee was over two months ago. Within a week, I had a swollen knee that felt oddly unsolid, as if half-dislocated; and there was gradually-increasing stiffness, so that getting up in the night was difficult, as were my first steps in the morning. The odd twinge apart, pain has been confined to aching. I took painkillers only for a short while.

Various people I know gave me recommendations and suggestions, for which I'm grateful. I followed some of this advice, but it seemed to make no great difference in my own case. In the end, the official NHS advice to simply exercise the knee as much as possible has done the trick, assisted by my determination not to limp if I can avoid it. Adopting an unusual gait just puts a strain on the other knee, and makes various muscles in my legs, bottom and back complain. So even though I can't yet walk at any pace that could be called 'brisk', being on my feet and walking about is clearly working. 

On firm level ground, the knee feels almost normal now. Slopes, especially downward slopes, continue to put pressure on the knee, but are much more manageable than they were. Steps and stairs remain hard to cope with - going up or down remains a tedious one-step-at-a-time business. But I'm now hoping that will change in the weeks ahead. 

Meanwhile I keep my stick handy, just in case needed, although I mostly carry it rather than actually use it.

I've now been given access to the clinical report on last month's X-ray. It's couched in medical language of course, but I googled the meaning of various words and the gist became clear. Basically, the knee has suffered wear and tear, but not to a serious extent requiring ongoing treatment. My condition is not in any way exceptional. I am of course stuck with the knee as it is, and need to treat it as a weak point, potentially troublesome, and certainly needing TLC. So be it. But I think I can get it back to nearly how it used to be, if I'm careful and sensible, although some activities are definitely now unwise, as they would stress or damage the knee. I need to eke out its remaining functionality!

So to this morning. The knee was still stiff after sleeping, and I needed support from my stick to make the first few steps, but then my knee freed up, and within ten minutes I was walking around fairly naturally, and with minimum discomfort. I think some healing is going on. The swelling is less than it was, and the right knee no longer looks two sizes larger than the left. It also seems to me that the recent warm and sunny weather back home in Sussex has done my knee a power of good. The frosty nights in Devon did not help my knee one bit.

I suppose I may have osteoarthritis elsewhere, not just in one knee. It'll be biding its time, and will suddenly flare up in my fingers, or in an elbow, or my neck, if some event triggers it. I hope not, but it's an unpalatable thought I must not hide from.

1 comment:

  1. I'm delighted to know that your knee is responding well to gentle exercise, and that you won't need to follow our suggestion of giving up those delicious tangerines.



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