On my doctor's advice, I've bought an Omron M3 upper-arm blood pressure monitor. Actually, when she texted me the link to a recommended supplier (www.expresschemist.co.uk) she had in mind the basic Omron device, but I couldn't resist buying one with a few more bells and whistles. Ordered online, it arrived yesterday. Here it is.
You get the monitor itself, which works off four AA batteries; a sleeve which fits over your upper arm, with a rubber tube that connects it to the monitor; instruction leaflets; and a zip-up case. You could take this device away on holiday, and I will be doing that in September, as I'd like to take regular weekly readings.
Why buy one at all? Well, it's clearly handy to have the means to take accurate measurements in the comfort of my own home. I had hypertension diagnosed as far back as 1994, and I've been on medication ever since. In normal times I can get my blood-pressure checked at the local surgery, either by the doctor, or maybe by a nurse, or by using a machine in the general waiting area. But of course personal visits to the surgery are now impossible unless one's ailment is severe or urgent, and so no blood pressure measurements can get taken.
I'd gone online and arranged a medication review by phone with my doctor, mainly to get her authorisation for further blood tests. She readily agreed, and added some of her own, but was regretful that I hadn't had a blood-pressure measurement for the best part of a year. So she asked me whether I had a home kit. I said no - weren't they rather expensive, over £100? Oh no! I could get a decent basic monitor for £30 or so. Right-ho then, I said; and within hours I'd got her text and placed my order. Including delivery, the cost for my not-quite-so-basic device would be £49.28. Still only half what I thought it might be.
Well, having unpacked my new toy, I read the instructions, put the kit together, and donned the sleeve.
Of course, I'd put the sleeve on the wrong way! I took it off, studied the instructions more closely, and this time got it right.